It's time for concrete actions

Let us not hide the truth. Formula 1 is in a moment of confusion and precariousness, with sponsors running away along with fans, and the figures hardly add up. Every day we read everything and its opposite. We always hear saying “cost reduction”, but ultimately there is little concrete.

The Srategy Group and the F1 Commission have hard time to make substantial decisions for a change. We are facing a difficult economic situation. We have an oil crisis, companies that transfer their investment towards cheaper fields, recessions in TV investments, and scandals like that of Volkswagen and Renault. Also FCA is in a difficult moment facing important deadlines.

There are many opportunities to take advantage of, but it would time to close with serious and professional proposals. In this moment we are playing the engines match, but I have the impression that with drastic changes the English teams want to divert the attention on their greatest strength: the aerodynamics. Meanwhile, at Geneva, we have reached an agreement to continue with Power-Units till 2020 with the aim of lowering costs by standardising some components and arresting any developments. Spending over 20 million for an engine is really unmanageable, in my opinion, and it would be impossible to continue this way.

In terms of entertainment, teams would have asked the commissioners to be more indulgent with drivers. I am happy to have focused the attention on this aspect, especially last season. Formula 1 has grown thanks to the duels. However, keeping the same judges in all races becomes important.

With a new smile more, we are preparing to live and closely follow another intense season of Formula 1 … and may the best win.