F1- Giovanni Minardi “ Top teams can’t afford to make missteps”

giovanni_minardi.jpg'– Sport season has begun. Along with Formula 1, even Italian championships such as Formula ACI-CSAI Abarth and Formula 3 have risen the curtain with the first race on Valencia track.
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F1 – GP Malesia … by Gian Carlo Minardi

sepang.jpg' SEPANG – The Grand Prix in Sepang has given us a great show, also helped by the weather conditions, highlighting strengths and limitations of drivers and teams. A great Fernando Alonso who must also accompany the compliments to the Ferrari that has so often been criticized for poor choices. This time the work of the wall has been excellent. Perfect strategy and perfect the work of mechanics. This happened to be a stimulus to continue to work to smooth the gup with McLaren and Red Bull.
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F1 – GP Australian… by Gian Carlo Minardi

minardi.jpg'MELBOURNE – Although one swallow does not make a summer, the dominant theme of this season could be represented by the upward compaction performance. both in qualifying and the race we could see how the performance of teams have approached. It will be very important to monitor this on a real track like Sepang, where it will run only in a week.
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F1 – Gian Carlo Minardi "I do not break down costs by limiting the test"

giancarlo_minardi.jpg'With the four-day test session in Barcelona Spain dropped the curtain on winter testing in Formula 1. Only in Australia, three two weeks, we know the true value of each car. The real values ​​will be fielded
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F1 – Gian Carlo Minardi "I expect a compaction performance"

giancarlo_minardi.jpg'Formula 1 has turned on the engines and open dancing. With the first two test sessions on the tracks Spanish in Jerez and Barcelona the teams have begun the long process of weaning of new creatures and just as we write, on the Montmelo track is staged on the third and final act, before you go to Australia .
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Gian Carlo Minardi "We must look ahead"

giancarlo_minardi.jpg'There we are. got the new year and a little less than one month will raise the curtain on the World of Formula 1 with the first Grand Prix in Melbourne on the track, but our drivers did not get the much-hoped-for indeed there was white smoke … a nice black smoke that has blown away the tricolor from the grid.
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Rigon renews with Ferrari until 2013

davide_rigon.jpg'Filed a 2011 mean of success because of that terrible May 8, Davide Rigon for the new year begins with a smile and in the best star thanks to the extension of its relationship with Scuderia Ferrari. It will be available to the team for all sports and business even during 2012 and 2013
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F1 – Gian Carlo Minardi "Customers cars? No thanks"

minardi.jpg'Formula 1 is back to talk to customers cars. This time to raise the voice is none other than Bernie Ecclestone supports the idea of Ferrari. To date, however, the proposal does not seem to have gathered acclaim across teams, especially at home Red Bull McLaren who in recent days have expressed their negative opinion.
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F1 – Gian Carlo Minardi "Compliments FIA"

giancarlo_minardi.jpg'In these days International Automobile Federation president, Jean Todt, has submitted a new proposal that will be for the benefit of young people and testers.
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F1 – The blindness of the FIA

giancarlo_minardi.jpg'While the world of Formula 1 is preparing to enter the warm phase of the season with the 12th event on the track of Spa Francorchamps once again want to bring attention to a topic that we consider of vital importance for the survival of Formula 1.
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F1 – Gian Carlo Minardi "The simulator as the wind tunnel. Indispensable"

Minardi.jpg'They are busy days for the Formula 1 teams. After a long winter spent in the factories, wind tunnels and simulators it is time to sharpen their weapons ahead of the first round of the season, scheduled for the weekend of ‘April 11-13 on the track in Bahrain.
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F1 – Gian Carlo Minardi "We need to return to the Friday practice for the rookies"

Minardi.jpg'The engines of the cars are still all green lights turned off and the first of the season is still far away, but despite this there is already a negative note, and somewhat worrying that concerns our country. Unless sensational twists in the next Formula 1 World Championship will be all the tricolor on the shoulders of one pilot Jarno Trulli.
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F1 – GP Abu Dhabi: The analysis of the qualifications of Gian Carlo Minardi

Minardi.jpg'Celebrate the Red Bull and Sebastian Vettel on pole for the last race of the season on the track in Abu Dhabi, but also celebrates the third time thanks to Ferrari Fernando Alonso makes a first important step to winning his third world.
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